March 2019

The first cut isn’t the deepest, it is the most superficial, says Nick Marsh on why he misses performing surgical cases.

14 mins

Instead of fielding answers in response to ”why did you want to be a vet?”, Ami Sawran explains why working on a farm is her true calling.

15 mins

Nick Marsh reflects on the stressful times he experienced while working in practice and the toll it can take on your well-being.

19 mins

Jordan Sinclair shares a difficult experience with a particularly infuriating client who refused to take no for an answer.

21 mins

Ami Sawran discusses her experiences of dealing with farm clients who keep traditionally food-producing animals as pets, and how to navigate certain issues.

14 mins

February 2019

Nick Marsh reflects on a recent visit to a mechanic as a means of understanding how his clients feel in their similarly stressed and uncomfortable situation.

20 mins

Vet school teaches you a lot of important things in preparation for the job. But being an independent vet in the wide world can be tricky, so Ami Sawran is on hand to provide some helpful life hacks.

9 mins

Many soon-to-graduate vets will already be on the lookout for a job, so Jordan Sinclair has advice on how practices can attract this valuable asset.

14 mins

"Wildlife aren’t pets – they’re soldiers," argues Nick Marsh, stating that wildlife medicine – like most other areas of medicine – needs to be "brutally pragmatic".

17 mins

Ami Sawran discusses why well-being is more than just another buzzword, and ways practices can make employees feel happier and more relaxed in the workplace. Spoiler: it’s not all about cake.

11 mins

January 2019

Jordan Sinclair weighs up the pros and cons of using out-of-hours providers, and whether they are a positive to the profession.

13 mins

Nick Marsh describes a scenario likely experienced by most vets, of feeling you don’t belong in the position you’re in and being out of your depth.

17 mins

Stuck on your own driving hours to jobs every day? Ami Sawran suggests a few ways to make the time fly by, from podcasts to audiobooks.

12 mins

Jordan Sinclair ponders on the naming conventions people use for their pets and what the animals would think about their given names, if they really understood.

15 mins

Nick Marsh highlights some of the issues vets face with the rise of crossbreeds – some of whom suffer in life – and why we should treat our "best friends" like they treat us.

22 mins

Ami Sawran discusses what farm vets can do to battle the “fake news” and anti-agriculture propaganda that circles online – especially at this time of year.

15 mins

December 2018

While Christmas is usually a time for joy and family gatherings, Jordan Sinclair brings attention to the inevitable increase in euthanasias that often occur at the end of the year.

14 mins

Nick Marsh asks those at home to spare a moment in between party games and binge-watching TV series’ to consider those brave souls in practice trying to help other people through a difficult Christmas.

10 mins

Are you stuck on call like Ami Sawran this Christmas? Don't let it bring you down and follow her tips here so you don't miss out on mince pies and The Muppet Christmas Carol.

10 mins

Jordan Sinclair hits back at a recent “one-sided” Watchdog piece on clients buying veterinary drugs online and what the programme missed out in its reporting.

13 mins