January 2021

Given that a veterinary professional’s whole raison d’être is to care for animals, it’s strange how many clients worry about their pet entering the practice without them. Jordan Sinclair, however, loves a bit of one-on-one time with her patients.

11 mins

It's not exactly Dolly the sheep, but in the third of his posts on lymphocytes, Nick explains how and why the cloning process can go wrong, and how to spot it.

11 mins

December 2020

Nick Marsh delivers a festive message of reviews and rewards, taking stock of a turbulent, disaster movie-esque year and reminding everyone that it's okay not to be okay – now more than ever – and to be kind to yourself; you deserve it.

13 mins

Jordan Sinclair explains how important it is, particularly during the COVID pandemic, to ensure any puppy purchase is made from a scrupulous breeder rather than a con artist out to make a quick buck.

13 mins

In the second of a four-parter, Nick Marsh asks what good a few lymphocytes are against an army of antigen invaders, while inelegantly shoehorning a Star Wars reference into the title.

17 mins

As England moves into its new tiered system of restrictions, Jordan Sinclair summarises how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the veterinary profession, and her team personally – from initial lockdown to the situation we find ourselves in today.

17 mins

November 2020

In the first of a two-parter, Nick Marsh looks at the role of lymphocytes and tries to figure out if, in pop culture terms, they're more Bridget Jones or Mickey and Mallory Knox... or a bit of both?

18 mins

Being told there was “no point in mixed vets anymore” just made blogger Jordan more determined to apply for jobs in this oft-maligned field. Here, she explains how mixed roles can benefit new grads.

18 mins

October 2020

In the third part of her series on access to veterinary education – with a focus on those from disadvantaged backgrounds – Jordan delves into the financial issues faced by postgraduate students.

Jordan Sinclair tackles the topic of how to attract students from disadvantaged backgrounds and, other than fuelling the fire at an early age, finds much of the problem still often comes down to money.

17 mins

Nick Marsh describes the COVID journey the veterinary profession has been on – from colleague cuts to muddled messages – and wonders how many other professions working through this crisis have also shared the same experience.

14 mins

September 2020

Nat Scroggie looks back over the past six months as she signs off - at least for now - from My COVID Diaries.

9 mins

Nat Scroggie describes her joy at taking part in a triathlon - her first organised event since lockdown began.

10 mins

It may have first aired 23 years before her birth, but the revival of All Creatures Great and Small has led Nat Scroggie to question whether it still influenced her career.

9 mins

Landing a coveted place at one of the UK's veterinary schools is tough at the best of times, but 2020 has proved particularly difficult – especially for those with the wrong postcode. Jordan Sinclair look at the options open to those who failed to earn a place this time round.

11 mins

Nick Marsh explains the difficulties he experienced as a working parent also attempting to educate his children during lockdown – and his feelings of relief at their eventual return to school.

20 mins

In her latest piece, Nat Scroggie recalls some valuable words from then-RCVS president (and former Vet Times columnist) Bradley Viner that still ring true…

9 mins

Having shone a light on the challenges faced by this year’s new grad vets, Jordan shifts her focus to students struggling to find EMS placements and how the profession can still help, despite COVID-19.

13 mins

In her latest COVID Diary, Nat Scroggie ponders whether the pandemic gave many the chance to assess their work.

9 mins

In her latest COVID diary, Nat Scroggie discusses the wedding day 2020 that wasn't.

9 mins