March 2024

As she transitions from student blogger to fully-fledged vet blogger, Eleanor Goad considers one of the elements of practice that few graduate vets truly experience before they’re officially “on the job”.

11 mins

September 2023

Recent grad Eleanor Goad discusses how to straddle the divide between vet school and the working world, and why you need to ensure you focus on yourself as much as the job you’re seeking.

8 mins

July 2023

Student blogger Eleanor Goad celebrates the fact she is no longer a student... despite her uncertainty as to when the realisation she is finally a fully-fledged veterinary surgeon will kick in.

12 mins

May 2023

As her final exams loom, Eleanor Goad looks at the best ways to cope with revision – not just for herself, but for anyone in the same boat.

12 mins

March 2023

Operating with severely limited resources at the Animal Rescue Centre (ARC) in Goa gave Eleanor “a newfound appreciation for the fundamentals of surgery”.

13 mins

Veterinary student Eleanor Goad describes her time abroad for EMS in a Goan rescue centre, where she learned valuable lessons and honed skills she will carry with her throughout her career.

10 mins

December 2022

As the winter weather begins to bite and the temperature plummets, Eleanor Goad highlights some of the dangers this time of year presents our pets, particularly in the shape of toxins, temperatures and treats.

10 mins

November 2022

Vet student Eleanor Goad casts her eye over the latest in fads that incorporate animals which, she argues, may or may not be suitable – or, indeed, even want to be involved.

13 mins

Eleanor Goad wonders how a creature that boasts a position in the UK’s top three pets can really be classified as “exotic”, and argues that veterinary education should reflect the popularity of these wonderful animals.

9 mins

September 2022

Bristol veterinary student Eleanor Goad considers the raft of difficult choices she and her peers face from the moment they decide on their chosen career path.

12 mins

July 2022

Eleanor Goad looks at how the cost of living crisis and, specifically, spiralling fuel costs are likely to affect student vets’ ability to attend their mandatory EMS placements.

8 mins

June 2022

Vet student Eleanor Goad explains why bigger truly is better, and how equine EMS placements offer the perfect opportunity to practise your catheter placement and blood sampling.

13 mins

Eleanor Goad’s final-year rotations see her in a situation where she can better appreciate the surprising difference between GP and veterinary referral practice.

15 mins

May 2022

One of the simplest ways to be more environmentally friendly is to eat less meat… but welfare isn’t as cut and dried as people might think, says vet student Eleanor Goad.

11 mins

April 2022

Getting less than a full eight hours sleep can have a dramatic effect on your concentration and performance, writes Eleanor Goad – an important consideration for those whose jobs involve scalpels.

10 mins

March 2022

Vet student Eleanor Goad explains why the fourth year at vet school has been her favourite so far, and why she would recommend that all veterinary students, present and future, keep their options open.

12 mins

February 2022

Vet student Eleanor Goad looks at the ongoing raft of practical measures and long-term implications of coronavirus on aspiring animal practitioners and the veterinary professional as a whole.

10 mins

Healthy mind, healthy body is a well-known mantra, and student Eleanor Goad claims to have noticed a “profound increase” in her mental health and general mood since joining the gym. Coincidence?

10 mins

January 2022

Having recently been put through a lengthy communications practical, vet student Eleanor Goad explains why she finds these types of activity particularly rewarding and the valuable lessons to be taken from them.

9 mins

November 2021

Taking a year out of her comfort zone to do something else taught Eleanor many things – not least that she chose wisely when selecting her future career in the first place.

10 mins