November 2012

Jill Maddison, director of professional development at the Royal Veterinary College, talks about owner compliance … more

1 mins

“If a nerve is squashed, it’s not too serious, it goes back to normal. If … more

6 mins

This is a more personal piece this week, but relevant to all clients who need … more

13 mins

In anatomy, we have the ongoing debate about whether we need to use the anatomical … more

3 mins

I read with surprise another university is seeing fit to build a new veterinary school, … more

As vet students, welfare is always being rammed down our throats – and rightly so … more

7 mins

October 2012

Earlier this week, I was asked my opinion on the proposal of “tracked” veterinary degrees. … more

5 mins

First year student Jordan Sinclair tells the story of her long, convoluted (and painful) journey to the University of Glasgow, and discusses her first impressions of vet school.

10 mins

Libby Earle, then-head of veterinary nursing at the RCVS, demonstrates how to use the Royal … more

Vetsonline speaks to Peter Laurie, chief executive of the Retired Greyhound Trust (this year’s official … more

1 mins

March 2009

You can be my “friend”, if you like. My children decided that if I wanted … more

13 mins

 For one week only, Bradley takes a rest and hands the writing reins to a … more

12 mins

February 2009

Our veterinary education trains us to deal with populations: when designing an experiment, we will … more

13 mins

September 2008

I reluctantly have to admit that I promised to update you about my exploits in the … more

14 mins

August 2008

From 2003 onwards, RCVS proposals for a new Veterinary Surgeons Act (VSA) were sold to … more

11 mins

I have long associated Scotland with rain. And with whisky. Perhaps it is all the rain … more

13 mins

July 2008

Like me, you may have been glued to your television set, watching the progress of The … more

14 mins

April 2008

Don’t you just hate those international call centres? The ones where you phone up because … more

12 mins

March 2008

The one thing that is certain within our professional lives is that nothing stays the … more

13 mins

February 2008

A vet is on the telephone to the owner of a parrot that has been hospitalised … more

11 mins