October 2014

Whether you spend your time making countless cups of tea or getting quality time with the animals, work experience placements will provide a invaluable insight into your future career prospects.

5 mins

September 2014

As a student steward at the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) Congress, my responsibilities included … more

My colleagues and I use immunotherapy on a fair number of dogs to treat atopic … more

I think we may soon lose the battle to keep our right to prescribe most antibiotics … more

We’ve just received an insurance renewal, and although both our pets are with the same provider, one … more

This summer, I’ve been working for a thoroughbred stud in Germany, preparing their yearlings for … more

5 mins

If, like me, you get frustrated using scotch tape in the Diff-Quik to check for … more

It’s a well-established principle of motivational psychology that “carrots are better than sticks” – that … more

This line always makes me think of the James Herriot books – and I recently … more

Being in VN education means I can drop back into practice occasionally. We are actually … more

3 mins

All too often the deciding factor in an animal’s veterinary treatment is cost. It has to … more

I find retching cats usually present last thing in an evening surgery, leaving you with … more

2 mins

August 2014

This blog entry isn’t a rant. It’s a plea. I got involved in a discussion … more

Do you ever get blind spots, where you forget a particular test that might be … more

Following a previous blog in which I mentioned MOOCs (massive open online courses), I took … more

At vet school, you learn some basic clinical skills and are taught how to conduct … more

Have you ever had an atopic dog that’s really well managed but suddenly flares, becomes … more

Like most vets I do well in excess of my required CPD, and am even … more

It’s finally hot. SUPER HOT! Time to moan loudly about the lack of air conditioning, … more

6 mins

“Are owners who buy jumpers for their dogs unhinged, odd, eccentric or perfectly normal?” A … more

4 mins