There’s no shame in making money from the veterinary profession. This fact, however, doesn’t negate the feeling of guilt when turning away clients who can’t afford treatment for their pets, says Nick Marsh.
It may be personal, it may be 'unspoken', but Jane Davidson is throwing down the gauntlet on the biological and emotional roller coaster that is hormones, and how, for female RVNs, they have a lot to answer for...
“All the world’s a stage,” wrote Shakespeare – so Jordan Sinclair offers tips for new graduates to turn the consult room into their stage and win the trust of clients, despite lacking experience.
Unwanted, unpleasant and relentless in their recurrence, Nick Marsh discusses the plight of this squeezing scenario in practice, and the “offending droplets” often left in its wake...
As “found pet” groups become more prevalent on the internet, RVN blogger Jane Davidson relives the time she found a lost cat to explain the strong feelings that come with temporary “ownership”.
Following on from Alan Kelly‘s focus on due diligence and documentation phases, corporate finance expert Gary Baines advises on factors to consider as completion approaches.
At graduation, Nick Marsh swore never to put himself through the stress of exams again. So why is it, 20 years on, he finds himself in a public library, desperately trying to cram information into his ageing brain?
Curious about the proliferation of cat cafes, and concerned by the implications of forcing a group of notoriously territorial creatures into a shared environment, Jordan Sinclair drops in for a panini.
Whether due to being inundated with clients, understaffed or trying to catch up on workload, resident RVN blogger Jane Davidson discusses the prevalence of staff members booking out false practice consultations, as well as the reasons they choose to keep up this pretence...
Acquisitions expert Alan Kelly talks paperwork as he describes the processes of due diligence and deal documentation, while offering key points for business owners to consider during each phase.
Drawing on her personal experience and that of her university friends, Jordan Sinclair advises employers on how to ensure your practice is ready to welcome and benefit from a new graduate in the workplace.
Having progressed to a more ordered career that makes more sense to him, Nick Marsh describes the “progression of compromises and juggling acts” that saw him move away from general practice.
Following an unusual Twitter conversation with fellow blogger Nick Marsh, our resident RVN stands up and admits: “My name’s Jane, and I’m a sniffoholic.”
In response to Nick Marsh's tongue-in-cheek post on home visits, PawSquad offers an alternate view and explains how they enable vets to provide better, more personal care than they often can in practice.
Never a huge fan of being on call, Nick Marsh focuses on the one aspect of this necessary evil he enjoys: the odd feeling of serenity that settles on him when alone in practice out-of-hours.
Corporate finance expert Alan Kelly looks at the first of six main phases to consider during the process of selling a veterinary practice, and how to deal with some issues that arise.
RVN Jane Davidson contemplates whether freezing and storing the body of recently deceased pets – so at some future time of medical advancement they may be brought back to life – will become a possibility, after receiving an interesting telephone call of that nature...
Taking part in a talk at SPVS-VMG Congress leads Jordan Sinclair to discuss the challenges, pitfalls, opportunities and advantages of hiring new graduates – all from the perspective of being one herself.
Nick Marsh shares his frustrating, scary and fascinating encounters when attending clients’ houses, explaining how people’s behaviour differs from when they are in a veterinary practice environment.