Six months in to her PhD studying the origins of veterinary medicine, Jane Davidson provides an update on her findings to date – including confusion over separating the work of two organisations.
Having launched this five-part series by discussing the power of choice, Gerardo Poli explains how picking yourself – and others – up is a vital skill for navigating the coronavirus pandemic.
While she loves the profession's normal-world community feel, an exhausted Jordan Sinclair confesses keeping the plates spinning in a relentless COVID-19 veterinary workplace is leaving her resentful, drained, guilty and angry…
Working from home was something Nick Marsh had always considered a luxury, but, after close to a month in lockdown, he realises it’s not quite what he thought it would be.
In the first of a five-part series, Gerardo Poli shares the performance and leadership strategies he has used during the coronavirus pandemic – starting with the power of choice.
While she waits for somebody to switch the world back on again, student Eleanor Goad offers her thoughts on beating the lockdown blues and remaining positive in these exceptional times.
Never assume, because when you ASSUME, you make an ASS out of U and ME. You also run the risk of compromising the welfare of any animal in your charge, as Jane Davidson explains.
In these uncertain times of lockdown, social distancing and self-isolation, JaneRVN focuses on a more positive note – the veterinary community and how it is supporting one another.
In a new column for Vet Times, Nat Scroggie describes well-being in the context of a toolkit – a visit bag of skills, strategies and habits you can pull out in a time of need – and asks: “Has there ever been a greater need for such a bag than during a global pandemic?”
Often overlooked in favour of more exciting cells, Nick Marsh wants you to raise your glass to humble neutrophils – the unsung heroes of our body's defences.
The official advice is clear, but a signficant number of pet owners are interpreting the rules in their own way – and Jordan Sinclair's faith in humanity is dwindling...
While goals set a direction, an effective system ensures you make progress towards it. With this in mind, Gerardo Poli offers tips on creating a system that helps you achieve your goals.
Submitted before the UK was put into lockdown, Nick Marsh’s latest blog describes his thoughts as he watches the story of coronavirus grow from rumour to pandemic in mere days.
Riddled with guilt for condemning childhood pal Flopsy to a life of loneliness, Eleanor Goad realises that, when it comes to understanding certain pets, we still have a long way to go.
Nick Marsh discusses the irony between hectic practice life leaving you longing a quieter day, only for you to be met with dragging hours and more saved up tasks than you bargained for when it comes along.