July 2020

Been struggling with sleep during lockdown? You're not alone, says Nat Scroggie, who offers some advice in her latest COVID diary.

14 mins

The impacts of coronavirus on veterinary professionals has been well-documented in Vet Times during the past four months, but less the way it has impacted on their children. For 13-year-old JIM GLEED, life in lockdown certainly had its ups and downs – as he explains in this article – after his vet mum was put on furlough and his dad discovered he couldn’t work…

19 mins

In her latest column, Nat Scroggie reflects on her joy at starting running again – following a little external motivation.

11 mins

Raising her head above water for just a minute, Jordan is horrified to learn that MPs have voted to allow lower-welfare produce to enter the UK, and explains exactly what that means for the public.

9 mins

While empty rescue shelters may seem a reason to celebrate, Eleanor Goad warns a lack of socialisation for younger animals may prove problematic if not addressed correctly.

13 mins

In the first of a new blog series from members of the British Veterinary Ethnicity and Diversity Society (BVEDS), Alistair Wilson considers a book from the BVEDS reading list, which comes highly recommended for anyone keen to broaden their understanding of racism and racial bias.

12 mins

Educating clients on the best ways to care for their pets can be a daily struggle – particularly with the weird and not-so-wonderful “truths” they pick up from unsubstantiated sources on a daily basis.

7 mins

In her latest diary, Nat Scroggie wonders whether more small animal veterinary work couldn’t be transferred outside in the new normal.

11 mins

Cat owner and vet Jordan Sinclair offers some advice on keeping our feline friends happy despite us invading their space and interrupting their routines while on furlough or during lockdown.

14 mins

What makes a good mentor? Gerardo Poli explains by recalling the support he received when he carried out this procedure for the first time.

6 mins

June 2020

Nat Scroggie looks into the concept of "you will be happy when…" – and why you may feel on a constant treadmill.

10 mins

While preparing to change roles himself, David Charles offers a handful of tips designed to make life easier for graduates transitioning from university to working life, or those swapping jobs for the first time.

24 mins

Reflecting on the past few months, Eleanor Goad says that if it has taught us anything, it is you shouldn't feel guilty about taking the chance to stop, smell the roses, and enjoy yourself for a little while – as it could help you and your working life in the long term.

9 mins

Continuing our guided tour through the microscope lens, clinical pathology resident Nick Marsh introduces us to a beautiful but “slightly unhinged” specialist member of the immune system squad.

13 mins

Having discussed two impostor personas in his previous tip, Gerardo Poli focuses on another three examples – and offers some simple solutions to combat this phenomenon for good.

10 mins

In her latest diary entry, Nat Scroggie discusses some of the coronavirus’ lexicon, including the pandemic phrases “coronacoaster” and “furlough shaming”.

14 mins

In her latest diary, Nat Scroggie recounts all the things she enjoyed in her first full week back in full-time practice.

13 mins

After a short period of petlessness, Jane begins her menagerie anew with the introduction of her first “normal” pet, named after a controversial figure from the veterinary profession’s dim and distant past.

6 mins

Juggling three roles was already tough for Nick Marsh, as for many of us during the lockdown. But the sudden news about the fate of an impending exam has hit him particularly hard…

12 mins

Gerardo Poli discusses a phenomenon experienced by many people and offers advice on how to manage it, using two example personas.

13 mins