January 2021

Jane Davidson explains why she's begun to make changes to the way she treats the contents of her inbox, and shares why she has taken inspiration from the past to shape her future communications.

8 mins

David Charles uses the new year to reflect on the career aspirations he set for himself for 2020, but also how he managed some of the challenges he faced.

13 mins

Given that a veterinary professional’s whole raison d’être is to care for animals, it’s strange how many clients worry about their pet entering the practice without them. Jordan Sinclair, however, loves a bit of one-on-one time with her patients.

11 mins

It's not exactly Dolly the sheep, but in the third of his posts on lymphocytes, Nick explains how and why the cloning process can go wrong, and how to spot it.

11 mins

Jane's feline housemate has left her considering a kitty litter startup like no other... are you up for investing in her latest hare-brained scheme?

7 mins

December 2020

Nick Marsh delivers a festive message of reviews and rewards, taking stock of a turbulent, disaster movie-esque year and reminding everyone that it's okay not to be okay – now more than ever – and to be kind to yourself; you deserve it.

13 mins

Eleanor worries a course and profession already viewed as elitist may lose more would-be vets of the future because of the continuing pandemic.

8 mins

Jane draws her 2020 blogs to a close with an introduction to a new canine companion.

7 mins

Jordan Sinclair explains how important it is, particularly during the COVID pandemic, to ensure any puppy purchase is made from a scrupulous breeder rather than a con artist out to make a quick buck.

13 mins

In the second of a four-parter, Nick Marsh asks what good a few lymphocytes are against an army of antigen invaders, while inelegantly shoehorning a Star Wars reference into the title.

17 mins

While it's good to learn from mistakes, it can sometimes be difficult to forgive yourself. So, Gerardo Poli explains how setting a time limit to think about the mistake can help you manage negative emotions and move forward.

6 mins

In her 2020 Christmas message, Jane Davidson takes a moment to discuss one of the most important topics to face the profession at this time of year – how to divvy up the Christmas treat pile.

8 mins

As England moves into its new tiered system of restrictions, Jordan Sinclair summarises how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the veterinary profession, and her team personally – from initial lockdown to the situation we find ourselves in today.

17 mins

November 2020

Based on her own observations, Jane Davidson offers her anecdotal take on the problems caused by puppies purchased throughout lockdown by unprepared owners.

10 mins

Eleanor realises a long-held dream as her wildlife MSc Global Wildlife Health and Conservation sees her take on a day of wildlife-related EMS, which includes treating flamingos at Bristol Zoo Gardens.

11 mins

In the first of a two-parter, Nick Marsh looks at the role of lymphocytes and tries to figure out if, in pop culture terms, they're more Bridget Jones or Mickey and Mallory Knox... or a bit of both?

18 mins

Eleanor Goad looks at some of the massive changes in law brought about by those who dedicate themselves to worthy causes, and hopes she can have even a fraction of the impact via her own research.

11 mins

David Charles offers some thoughts and tips on how new graduates can navigate the challenges of feeling socially isolated while beginning their careers in practice.

14 mins

Jane reminisces about the days when old newspapers were commonly used to line litter trays and the small, childish feeling of satisfaction she experienced whenever certain celebrities met a sticky end.

7 mins

Being told there was “no point in mixed vets anymore” just made blogger Jordan more determined to apply for jobs in this oft-maligned field. Here, she explains how mixed roles can benefit new grads.

18 mins