January 2020

Cancer, despite being feared, is a broad term for various diseases that share a similar cause. Nick Marsh classifies tumours based on the cells they’re derived from and how they appear down the microscope.

19 mins

January marks the time to set new goals, but with no sign of cash, warm weather or an end to leftover chocolate, its tough. Jordan Sinclair explains how long-term, realistic plans are the secret to success.

12 mins

“I know I’m helping with my reports and my opinions, but I very rarely get the buzz any more” – having not worked in general practice for four years – Nick Marsh wonders if he will ever feel “the buzz” again.

19 mins

December 2019

Having learned about the initiatives carried out by Davies Veterinary Specialists, Jordan Sinclair ponders the changes – big and small – the profession could make to reduce its environmental impact.

16 mins

Amid late-night elf-hiding antics, Nick Marsh found light relief in Adam Kay’s ‘Twas the Nightshift Before Christmas – as well as food for thought, not least, on how elderly pets are treated at Christmas.

12 mins

Without veering too far into “Bah, humbug!” territory, Jordan Sinclair re-envisions a traditional Christmas classic to more accurately illustrate the festive season in first opinion veterinary practice.

4 mins

“I discovered a poem bubbling up in my head, so I wrote it down for posterity, and now it’s your problem” – Nick Marsh shares an emotional and personal view on end-of-life care.

5 mins

“Veterinary care is much more on par with private health care, but a lot of owners don’t quite realise that,” says Jordan Sinclair as she ponders the concept of privatisation.

12 mins

November 2019

Nick Marsh recounts a time when he admitted two animals with the same condition, but struggles to justify the fact one cost thousands and the other next to nothing, to achieve seemingly identical outcomes.

20 mins

Nick Marsh dedicates his latest blog post to his late father-in-law – “the kind of gentleman they don’t make anymore” – as he struggles to accept the loss of the kind, gentle man he had known for 20 years.

19 mins

“When you know, you know” is a phrase used in many aspects of life, but as Jordan Sinclair explains, a world of difference can exist in knowing something and living it. Here, she talks about how these realisations can all build up to a reality not expected, and how looking out for one another can help.

13 mins

October 2019

Reprising this popular series, Nick Marsh asks: "Is neutering a patient in that patient’s best interests?". The answer, he argues, is not as clear cut as society assumes.

23 mins

In his latest blog, Nick Marsh invites you to take a look down the microscope, and into “weird new worlds” of leukocytes, tumour cells and microorganisms.

15 mins

With Bonfire Night on the horizon, Jordan Sinclair stresses the importance of ensuring both owners and fellow staff members are armed with ample information to keep all creatures great and small calm.

9 mins

You’ve graduated, had the crash course in vet practice and lost the fear of first opinion practice – so now what? Jordan Sinclair faced this dilemma, and discusses how she made peace with it and moved forward.

13 mins

Nick Marsh analyses what takes place when we peer into a microscope to analyse material, leading him to a very philosophical and out-of-this-world conclusion.

9 mins

September 2019

Ami encourages her veterinary peers to help make the profession safer and more appealing to talented people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds who could “drive it forward in ways yet unknown”.

19 mins

The word “cancer” often sends shivers of fear through most who hear it, but is it always justified? In his latest blog, Nick Marsh asks “why are we still so weird about cancer?”.

19 mins

Whether it’s assessing a passer-by’s dog, or checking your phone repeatedly while on call, switching off from veterinary life is tough. Jordan Sinclair can relate, but questions if you’d want to veto your vet brain?

13 mins

August 2019

The stench, the sensation... and the spray – dealing with “those two little sacs of foul-smelling fluid” is a familiar scenario for many vets. Nick Marsh shares his tales of woe when having tackled such consults.

15 mins