May 2024

Hubert Hiemstra describes the collection of blood to carry out an autotransfusion, as well as two methods of administering the blood back into the patient.

8 mins

April 2024

Gerardo Poli reveals his tried and tested ritual of reseting his composure between consults and emergencies.

10 mins

Hubert Hiemstra reviews the uses and limitations of point-of-care tests for canine C-reactive protein, and asks: “Oh CR*P! What am I missing?”

11 mins

Following his discussion on the causes of thrombocytopenia, Gerardo Poli advises on ways to manage this condition.

8 mins

March 2024

Gerardo Poli on assessing the causes of this condition in canines and methods to diagnose it.

8 mins

Lactate is the harbinger of doom, according to Hubert Hiemstra – here, he explains why monitoring these levels are important, as well as indications for doing so and what the results mean.

14 mins

February 2024

In the fourth and final part of his focus on ionised hypocalcaemia, Gerardo looks at the controversy regarding treatment of non-clinical cases and the prognostic indications of iCa concentrations.

11 mins

Hubert Hiemstra looks at a “potentially fatal manifestation of coagulation pathology”, in which mild symptoms in an otherwise healthy dog can quickly escalate into a life-threatening respiratory crisis.

7 mins

Following his focus on the most common cause of clinical hypocalcaemia in cats and dogs, Gerardo takes a look at the clinical signs, treatment methods and the correction of calcium.

12 mins

In the second of this four-part series, Gerardo Poli focuses specifically on the most common cause of clinical hypocalcaemia in feline and canine patients.

14 mins

January 2024

Gerardo Poli begins this four-part series by outlining the function of calcium, and common causes of low ionised calcium in cats and dogs.

7 mins

The question of whether what vets do serves a larger purpose is pondered by Hubert Hiemstra, who has asked: am I wasting my time and talents in practice?

7 mins

Gerardo Poli concludes his series on blood transfusions by discussing how much volume to give during the process.

6 mins

If you're unsure on which blood product to administer during a transfusion, Gerardo Poli's handy guide runs through the requirements.

6 mins

Gerardo Poli runs through the “transfusion triggers” that point towards whether the process needs to take place.

6 mins

December 2023

Gerardo Poli concludes the series with a rundown of this emergency surgical procedure, explaining why speed is of essence and considerations for anaesthesia usage. Includes video content of an emergency caesarean.

14 mins

In the third part of his series on obstructed labour, Gerardo Poli offers tips on the medical management of dystocia and details circumstances in which immediate caesarean section is indicated.

6 mins

November 2023

After outlining the indications of dystocia in part one, Gerardo Poli describes the physical checks to carry out – and explains the importance of ultrasound – in determining patient status.

9 mins

Not knowing how to determine a true dystocia emergency can cause confusion in practice. With this in mind, Gerardo Poli’s latest series of articles will address this and other common concerns in a step-by-step manner, starting with the stages of labour.

10 mins

In the second part of this series, Gerardo Poli recaps ways to treat and analyse the severity of this condition.

9 mins