April 2018

VN Futures-themed evening will explore work flexibility from employer perspective and benefits of job sharing, followed by a panel discussion.

5 mins

CPD event to teach psychology of client satisfaction, as well as top tips on how to work effectively with other VNs, managers and vets.

3 mins

As BSAVA Congress 2018 kicks off, delegates celebrate the dedication of 20 recipients – nominated by colleagues – towards veterinary science contributions at the association's opening ceremony.

3 mins

CPD for vet nurses about supporting pet diabetes management will be hosted by MSD Animal Health and delivered by diabetes nurse specialist Nicola Ackerman.

2 mins

Series of expert-led streams and talks for vets and veterinary nurses at Northern Ireland conference will focus on dealing with cat and dog skulls.

5 mins

Convicted RVN stole medication from veterinary group she worked for and forged prescriptions for more ordered to be removed.

8 mins

Royal College details further advice for vets and veterinary nurses regarding client discussions and responsibility prior to treatments or procedures being carried out.

7 mins

March 2018

Speaking at TP Congress 2018, Julie Dugmore, director of veterinary nursing at the RCVS, said the role could provide RVNs with enhanced career opportunities.

7 mins

RCVS junior vice-president Amanda Boag and ECC specialist Tobias Grave to host series of CPD events across UK, in partnership with Veterinary Times.

4 mins

RVN Sue Pell, of North Downs Specialist Referrals in Surrey, will revisit ger previous patient while embarking on a trip to south-east Asia, to help threatened and abused species.

6 mins

Leadership and innovation, VN Futures, Brexit and Mind Matters will all feature in a packed programme from the royal college in Birmingham.

5 mins

Inspired by her colleagues, Ellie Tomlinson is undertaking the Certificate of Veterinary Nursing in Emergency Critical Care while continuing to work at The Minster Veterinary Practice.

4 mins

Registrations are already flying in for the 2018 Oral Care Nurse training course; however, for those interested, but undecided, RVN Chloe Little shares her experience from having completed the course last year.

6 mins

Petplan to offer chance for RVN to shine by sharing his or her expertise to pet owners via firm’s social media, followed by more than 150,000 people.

3 mins

February 2018

Trainee veterinary nursing at the Dick White Academy have smashed the national average by posting a 90% first time pass rate in their level three diploma exams.

5 mins

Event with RCVS specialist Sarah Caney will cover intricacies of hyperthyroidism diagnosis and management in cats, followed by live Q&A session.

4 mins

Two-day event taking place in Nottingham hopes to help delegates take practical advice on obesity back to practice.

4 mins

A VN has won the chance to spend two days learning from some of the UK's top dermatologists at the University of Bristol after winning a competition.

4 mins

January 2018

Written in association with Alliance Manchester Business School, the document is being launched at SPVS/VPMA Congress this weekend.

5 mins

Number taken off on 1 January is up on last year, but less than half of what it was in 2016 due to RCVS sending text and email reminders.

5 mins