July 2020

Sarah Etherington, who works at White Cross Vets, is named nursing assistant student of the year at Myerscough College.

4 mins

“We are including a new category that acknowledges the crucial contribution those in education make to embedding QI in the professions” - Pam Mosedale, RCVS Knowledge.

5 mins

Staff at the multidisciplinary referral centre in Essex have been learning sign language and using transparent face coverings to help members of the D/deaf community.

6 mins

Two veterinary professionals urge the regulator to use its £18.7 million reserve to help vets and VNs facing financial hardship due to coronavirus emergency.

8 mins

“We wanted our competition to highlight the fantastic contribution vet nurses around the country are making to their colleagues, clients and patients...” – James Beaumont, Animalcare.

9 mins

Carla Husband, Abbie McMillan and Lauren Sweeney – all studying veterinary nursing at the University of Bristol – win first prize in RCVS Knowledge’s Veterinary Evidence Student Awards 2020.

7 mins

RVN given top job after 35 years with the same West Yorkshire practice wins her spurs after stepping up as head nurse one week before lockdown.

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Six new full members and one student member have been appointed to BVNA council following its 2020 election.

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Third survey of practices shows fewer staff are furloughed or self-isolating because of COVID-19, with increase in number reporting they are back to “near normal”.

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Vets and vet nurses can now register for this year’s event, which will take place online from 4 to 7 November.

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June 2020

Scotland’s Rural College introduces new courses to Aberdeen campus and wants practices in the region to offer work placements to trainee nurses.

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VN Times columnist and leading exotics veterinary nurse has been voted in as chairman of RCVS VN council.

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Awards scheme recognises veterinary nurses who have gone above the call of duty and made difference to animals under their care.

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Liphook Equine Hospital is seeking applicants for its two-year course in equine veterinary nursing, which begins in September.

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RCVS VN council has approved a patient-based assessment for SVNs who are unable to take OSCE exams under coronavirus restrictions.

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Association calls for contact tracing rules to be amended for veterinary professionals to protect both animal welfare and practices that have taken a financial battering during COVID-19 lockdown.

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Association to host free online weekend as a celebration of veterinary nursing, with interactive workshops, keynote speakers, quizzes, competitions and much more.

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RVC study to be part of new BSAVA series to allow vets and VNs to discuss research papers and understand how findings impact them in practice.

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BVNA thrilled with level of engagement for this year’s first virtual Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month and congratulates VNs for going the extra mile.

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“We think all vet nurses are heroes and, especially right now, we thought it was time to give back and say thank you with the biggest ever CPD giveaway to the veterinary nursing community” – The Webinar Vet.

2 mins