The e-book covers the Animal Nursing Auxiliary training scheme, explores key milestones and includes video testimonials from members of the profession.
Nominations for honours and awards will now be accepted until the end of January, with winners to receive their prizes at a live awards ceremony planned for 8 July.
“We are proud to be offering this support to anyone who will have parental responsibility of a child.” – Saskia Connell, people and organisation director at Linnaeus.
Researchers behind new RVC VetCompass study call for French bulldog to no longer be classified as a typical dog due to the breed’s susceptibility to a raft of serious health conditions.
The results of a new survey published by the BVA reveal that more than half of all vets will be working over the festive period, but only 11% reported being happy to do so.
Representatives from across the veterinary sector met at the RCVS Workforce Summit to tackle potential solutions to issues facing the veterinary nursing profession.
“This has been a real team effort; growing every single BVNA team member’s awareness of the impact we each have as an individual when it comes to being environmentally sustainable” – Jo Oakden, BVNA.
UK’s largest practice group has announced its system for reporting a suspicion of NAI will now be available to any vet working in any practice nationwide.
“Organisations like to claim they have a ‘commitment to diversity and inclusion’, but we see no evidence that they are changing their organisational structures and processes…” – Issa Robson.
The free series will take place on 9 and 16 December, and aims to support VNs in taking a greater role in neutering – with top-class speakers as well as festive fun.
BSAVA PetSavers is looking for vets, VNs and veterinary physiotherapists who are involved – or have been involved – with senior dog preventive health care to take part in survey.
As part of the internship, eight nurses spent time across core disciplines such as theatre and wards as well as internal medicine, cardiology, and emergency and critical care.
Association raises fresh concerns about vets’ names being made public, but college registrar points to misconceptions about the nature of the cases to be submitted to new conduct committee.