July 2021

Staff at the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network are asking for vets to help them standardise when and how investigations into potential outbreaks should begin.

7 mins

Level of complaints to profession’s mediation service highest since its launch – with announcement coming the same week BVA reveals extent of client abuse against veterinary teams.

10 mins

Eleven-year-old Sparky had a “football-sized” growth of fat surgically removed from his abdomen after it had begun to displace some of his internal organs.

6 mins

“Behavioural problems have rightly been a focus of perceived risk and concern among the veterinary profession and animal welfare organisations. And that is borne out in the report…” – PDSA senior vet Sean Wensley

15 mins

North-east referral practice carries out second ankle replacement on a Labrador retriever using an innovative system – two years after first procedure with same system on another ankle.

5 mins

Specialist at Essex practice operates on 17-year-old tortoise left with a prolapsed penis after trying to pass an extremely large bladder stone.

5 mins

RCVS coronavirus survey will ask veterinary professionals to provide evidence of how COVID-19 has impacted experiences of working in profession.

6 mins

Close to 6 in 10 vets in clinical practice felt intimidated by clients’ language or behaviour during the coronavirus pandemic – a rise of 10 percentage points on 2019.

5 mins

RCVS is embarking on a six-week consultation on a proposed set of new standards and methodology for accrediting UK and international vet degrees.

6 mins

Association commits to providing face-to-face event from 5 to 7 September, back at the ICC in Birmingham.

4 mins

Royal college is looking for applications from undergraduate veterinary students for its RCVS Fellows of the Future competition.

6 mins

Eminent equine vet Sue Dyson, an RCVS fellow, is struck off register for disgraceful conduct after falsifying letter from a fictional Home Office official for a weight study. 

16 mins

Practice group says it is thinking a little differently in its plans for the end-of-year show, to celebrate the return of the face-to-face event.

7 mins

“Although parasiticide treatments can be used to treat these infestations, there was some concern that rapidly killing large numbers of worms could lead to anaphylaxis as the worms die” – vet Nicki Reed.

4 mins

RCVS Knowledge has announced the winners in the 2021 Veterinary Evidence Student Awards, which reward students’ engagement with evidence-based veterinary medicine.

9 mins

Open letter to sheep farmers from National Sheep Association, Sheep Veterinary Society and others to help slow concerning upward trend in wormer resistance.

8 mins

VetPartners has announced plans to host a second discussion about the ongoing pancytopenia outbreak, which will once again be hosted by Rachel Dean on 20 July at 8pm.

2 mins

Free-access Veterinary Virtual Live Work Experience programme launched in March and has offered a pandemic alternative to school students seeking taste of pre-vet school practice life.

10 mins

Boehringer Ingelheim provides scheme for equine vets to be able to help reduce plastic waste by recycling its Aservo EquiHaler device.

4 mins

In an open letter to the profession, Vet-AI’s Sarah Warren describes how she hopes to leave a lasting legacy and be remembered as “chief happiness officer” at the business she helped to create.

9 mins