January 2017

A memorial service for veterinary surgeon and former RCVS president Bob Michell will be held on Friday 10 March.

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A veterinary team pooled its expertise and honed its detective skills to solve the mystery behind a dog’s breathing and vomiting problems.

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A vet has spoken of her astonishment after an x-ray of a Staffordshire bull terrier puppy revealed an 8in kitchen knife lodged inside its body.

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The benefits of pet ownership on human health may help the NHS reduce costs by nearly £2.45 billion – and vets should be praised for playing their part by keeping the nation’s animals healthy, according to a report.

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A leading authority on Schmallenberg virus is warning farm vets to be prepared for the possibility of a springtime spike in cases of abnormal births and deformities in sheep and cattle.

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Scientists believe they may have identified the mystery cause of “shaking piglets” – cases of which have been reported in Europe and abroad since the 1920s.

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The National Equine Forum (NEF) will be celebrating its 25th event on 2 March at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in London.

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A dog found dumped has had its sight saved thanks to the skill of vets at the Watkins and Tasker Veterinary Group near Bristol.

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Vets can learn about the investigation and management of disorders of the digital sheath at an equine CPD event in February.

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A mobile app has been developed to show budding practitioners what it's like to be both a student and qualified veterinarian – and aid their transition to vet school.

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Vets will be able to enhance their practical mastitis problem solving skills at a CPD seminar later this year.

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An online veterinary health care retailer set up and run by vets has launched in the UK, allowing customers to seek advice from in-house vets while purchasing their pet products.

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Brexit will “undoubtedly” be one of the biggest challenges facing the profession in 2017 and vets must expect the unexpected, BVA president Gudrun Ravetz has said.

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The RCVS disciplinary committee has dismissed the case against a Nottinghamshire veterinary surgeon.

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The deadline is approaching for nominations from vets and VNs who wish to stand as candidates in the RCVS council and VN council elections.

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The International Society of Feline Medicine will hold two feline symposia ahead of this year’s BSAVA Congress – one of which is a new programme specifically for vet nurses.

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Battersea Dogs and Cats Home is encouraging vets to reiterate the importance of microchipping to pet owners in the new year.

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The prime minister has praised a vet for his “brilliantly innovative” fund-raising initiative that helps charities worldwide and presented him with an award for his endeavours.

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UK vets are being urged to routinely screen all imported dogs for exotic diseases – even ones from impeccable sources – after a “cautionary tale” from one of the country’s top veterinary parasitologists.

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The RCVS standards committee is to review the college’s guidance on homeopathy and other alternative and complementary veterinary medicines and therapies.

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