Welfare sector leaders fear images of harm are becoming “normalised”, with more than two in five 16 and 17-year-olds saying they have seen online cruelty.
Despite disappointment over a lack of key legislative commitments, Dogs Trust and RSPCA leaders have welcomed plans for new rental legislation that they hope will give tenants legal pet rights.
International Collaborative on Extreme Conformations in Dogs issues new guidance it hopes will help to end the “normalisation” of harmful canine body shapes in public life.
Ministers have been urged to deliver legislation that ‘properly supports’ the veterinary sector after a packed legislative programme failed to address the issue.
New figures show nearly 12,000 cases of animals being beaten were reported to the organisation last year, with almost 45,000 incidents following in the first half of 2024.
Senior officials have urged ministers to move swiftly to reform the Veterinary Surgeons Act following Labour’s landslide general election victory on 4 July.
Leading veterinary charity has also urged clinicians affected by the process to reach out to them, though they stress current levels of service demand are largely stable.
Two charities have joined forces to urge horse owners already struggling to care for their animals to consider rehoming now before their situations get even worse.
Issue back in focus after four horses euthanised during a recent race meeting in Devon and consultation indicates significant support for a ban on greyhound racing in Scotland.
The RCVS said the programme has been in development for some time in response to professional feedback, as campaigners prepared to stage their latest protest demanding change.
Professionals have been urged to remember the people behind leadership roles as the outgoing RCVS president hits back at “a small number” of vets for their criticism.