May 2019

UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization awards official designation to UK International Reference Centre for AMR.

3 mins

Long-distance triathlon involves a 1,500m swim, a 120km cycle ride and a 30km run for head of soft tissue surgery at referral centre.

5 mins

The practice resources will include waiting room materials such as noticeboard display cards, posters and reception desk prompt cards.

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The collective behind Rabbit Awareness Week has provided some top tips on how to make the most of the week (1 to 9 June) for your practice and its patients.

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“I lost all interest in life and made plans to end it because I couldn’t face living how I was anymore” – James Glass.

8 mins

A study has suggested raw, wild venison-based cat food was the source of 13 indoor cats being infected with TB; the product has been withdrawn from the market.

7 mins

Medivet scheme will see grads work off rota, side by side, with a dedicated clinician who will be their first point of contact for advice – both clinical and non-clinical.

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Second UK outbreak reported this year. Authorities say new case has “close epidemiological links” with previous breakdown in three horses in April.

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Research follows concern from veterinary dental specialists in Europe who were seeing a significant increase in the number of dogs presenting with fractured teeth.

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New data, revealed at the CVBD World Forum in Italy, proves disease-carrying vectors are spreading faster than ever, with new threats emerging across the globe.

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US scientists have isolated the virus in wild animals in two neighbouring states, but the distinct subgroup of canine distemper virus has not yet been reported in a domesticated dog.

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In 2018, to the end of March, 34 cases of Alabama rot were confirmed in the UK. In 2019, to the end of March, there have been 10 confirmed cases.

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Statistics show more dogs were stolen in 2018 and fewer reunited with their owners, with Chihuahuas, French bulldogs and Jack Russell terriers most commonly taken.

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A study, funded by the VMD – with support from the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network, will rely heavily on the participation of “front line” vets and nurses through electronic survey.

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According to a study, 40% of the recipes did not provide any feeding instructions and the remainder lacked detail or were unclear, while 7% contained ingredients that are potentially toxic to cats.

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Conference streams will focus on three essential topics; the endocrine system, emergency medicine and surgery and emergency and critical care nursing.

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In a statement, The Association of British Insurers revealed that, during the past 10 years, the average pet claim has increased by 75%.

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“Suspecting animal abuse can be an alarming and sensitive issue to confront, but our training courses should give veterinary teams the skills and support they need to help deal with such cases” – Jennie Bartholomew.

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Oakwood Veterinary Referrals vet said the shotgun pellet coverage found in the dog were the worst he had seen in his 28-year career.

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The four online courses run for three weeks, beginning on 6 May, and cover a wide range of subjects.

6 mins