February 2020

Publication from Improve International provides comprehensive information to support the diagnosis and treatment of commonly seen pathologies of dogs and cats.

3 mins

System leaves “a big question mark” as to whether the profession can fill workforce gap, says BVA.

6 mins

Projects that look at companion animal loss and bond-centred veterinary practices will be considered.

3 mins

SAVSNET issues urgent plea for samples from affected dogs to find the cause of outbreak “that seems to have affected about half of the practices across the country”.

2 mins

A new algorithm has been used to detect the life-threatening condition in dogs, with an accuracy rate “greater than 99%”, say US developers.

3 mins

Researchers are calling for UK vets to urgently supply samples from suspected victims of the often fatal disease, to help them pinpoint an infectious cause.

5 mins

English bull terrier Peppa was stolen from a garden in Cardiff in December 2019 and is still missing, despite having a microchip.

4 mins

New cases reported across England and Wales as researchers continue to probe the aetiology of the mystery dog disease.

2 mins

“It is widely known that humans suffer from anxieties, but pets do, too, with 82% of dogs and 89% of cats reported to be scared of something” – Abigail King, Ceva.

6 mins

David Hillier will quit as chief executive of IVC Evidensia in April, but will remain on the board as a non-executive director and investor.

6 mins

Tour of large animal clinical facilities included Princess Anne observing a demonstration of a new equine gut model and the postmortem of a horse.

3 mins

The free video service helps deaf clients and prospective clients who telephone a CVS practice by providing a video link with fully qualified BSL interpreters.

4 mins

Group to use trained non-vet teams to help its veterinary surgeons build a better picture of what’s happening on farm.

3 mins

President delivers wide-ranging speech at BVA annual dinner to an audience, including the minister for rural affairs and biosecurity, and CVO Christine Middlemiss.

9 mins

Ceva Animal Welfare Awards 2020 will see individuals and organisations recognised across 10 categories for their dedication and hard work in animal health and welfare.

8 mins

January 2020

Some anecdotal evidence suggests affected dogs can transmit the disease. It therefore makes sense for owners and vets to handle suspect cases carefully, and limit contact between affected and unaffected dogs – SAVSNET.

7 mins

Training soon to be available online from newly approved regulator Vetpol.

5 mins

Additional volunteers have had to join the veterinary crisis organisation as the charity fields a record 3,117 contacts in 2018.

5 mins

European Parliament calls for stricter measures to combat illegal trafficking of pets.

3 mins

Germany and Poland discuss setting up a “fenced corridor” to prevent African swine fever spreading. The disease has been found 30km from Germany – one of Europe’s major pork exporters.

3 mins