Laurels Veterinary Surgery has completed a £350,000 project that has added cat-friendly facilities, doubled the number of dog kennels and revamped the client waiting area.
Prof Borriello becomes the sixth recipient of the award in recognition of his “science-based” principles and “global vision” during tenure as chief executive of the VMD.
Donview Veterinary Centre in Inverurie is adding facilities including a third theatre and client meeting room, as well as new technology, to offer better service to clients.
Cave Veterinary Specialists in Somerset has won silver status from Investors in the Environment for its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, increase efficiency and cut waste.
Move will add 270 practices, 15 of them 24-hour emergency services, to IVC Evidensia portfolio, which will number 2,000 practices and 30,000 staff across 17 countries.
Animor is offering what it describes as a “groundbreaking” subscription plan, with members paying a monthly fee that will cover all veterinary bills and have no point of sale costs.
Rosemullion Veterinary Practice’s new hospital in Falmouth will offer multidisciplinary services and referral options, with a 24-hour service included.
VetPartners has bought its first practice in Germany, having already expanded its UK operation into France and Italy, with plans for acquisitions in Spain also revealed.
IVC Evidensia has seen a rise in equine vets joining its ranks in the past 18 months, and has collaborated with its equine clinical board to create IVC Evidensia Equine Vets.
Company behind calming product range has launched a partnership programme to help increase success of adoptions and offer rescue sector chance to boost revenue.
Paragon Veterinary Referrals in Wakefield, West Yorkshire used its newly expanded cardiology service to save lives of spaniels Merlin, Poppy and Amelia.