The Veterinary Poisons Information Service – a membership-only service for vet practices – has seen the number of calls it receives double in five years.
VetCT has announced the results of its Google Glass trial with the Kent practice, which has shown the potential for the hands-free videography device to be used for real-time feedback and advice.
Nutrition firm working with veterinary technology company, alongside third investor, aims to allow development of artificial intelligence-powered tech solutions for veterinary practices.
Peter Rossdale, who died in November 2021, was a dedicated equine clinician and scientist, and a special additional plenary lecture and award have been created in his memory.
“Unless our concerns are addressed, we will refer this deal for an in-depth investigation to ensure that pet owners don’t lose out” – Competition and Markets Authority.
Vets4Pets has announced that Gudrun Ravetz will step into the newly created role, which has been developed to provide support for staff across all its practices.
Cockburn Vets in Coalville, Leicestershire wins a second successive gold award in the national scheme, while Willows Veterinary Centre and Referral Service also comes out on top again.
VMD confirms an increase in “illegal sourcing of veterinary medicines”, while vets have spoken out about clients rejecting their recommended treatments because they can source similar options cheaper online.
Grant applications can be either clinical or non-clinical and criteria include further education scholarships, advancement of research, educational schemes, and the advancement of learning and knowledge.
Independent, specialist-led ophthalmology service Focus Referrals has just celebrated one year in premises in Banbury, having initially been set up as a mobile service.
Survey finds while 75% of respondents loved helping students and offering EMS, more than 60% cited fear of introducing infection to the practice as reason for not providing it during pandemic.
Fourth staging of British Veterinary Receptionist Association Congress to take place at Jurys Inn Hinckley Island Hotel in Leicestershire from 30 September to 1 October.
Humane Society International and partner groups have established a fund, backed by Mars Incorporated, to pay for up to €250 (£209) for up to five pets each in 38 countries – including UK.