May 2023

The North of Ireland Veterinary Association has called for ideas on how to tackle the questions of recruitment, retention and return at an event in Portadown later this month.

3 mins

Long-term funding solutions are critical to ensuring future sustainability in the sector, Malcolm Morley told guests at the dinner in Edinburgh.

6 mins

“Internships explained: unleash your potential” is hosted by Linnaeus and career support organisation Vets: Stay, Go, Diversify on Tuesday 23 May.

5 mins

The company has been given five working days to submit proposals to address competition concerns in the latest inquiry affecting one of the UK’s biggest veterinary care providers.

7 mins

Group’s addition to focus on improving first opinion standards in areas such as dental radiography, hypertension and ophthalmology.

5 mins

BVU and Unite leaders hope the deal between them and Valley Vets will inspire others to seek similar arrangements throughout the sector.

5 mins

IVC Evidensia has insisted it needs to change the way its finance operations are carried out, potentially putting hundreds of jobs at risk, despite claims it ignored long-term problems in a push for expansion.

14 mins

Report – compiled by PDSA – offers one of the first significant indications of how current economic pressures are seen to be affecting veterinary businesses.

13 mins

Hundreds of millions of pounds could be pumped into the company within months to help support improvements and further expansion.

7 mins

April 2023

Dechra is seeking the views of vets on how to treat and manage the equine disease to coincide with the annual Strangles Awareness Week, which takes place 1 to 7 May.

3 mins

Pool House Equine Hospital in Lichfield and Great Western Exotics in Swindon have been awarded RCVS hospital status to represent their dedication to providing highest veterinary standards.

5 mins

Half of group’s 500 practice sites will be relocated or upgraded within next five years.

6 mins

Fresh from the success of the 2023 conference, organisers want lecture and workshop ideas for next January’s event in Birmingham.

2 mins

East of England Veterinary Specialists in Royston is the group’s latest acquisition in a deal that has “thrilled” bosses.

4 mins

Officials say court injunctions could be sought in the most extreme cases under a new “zero tolerance” approach to the problem.

12 mins

Hannah Davies becomes the organisation’s second appointed staff member and will lead the development of new sustainability support materials for the sector.

5 mins

Davies Veterinary Specialists – owned by Linnaeus and part of the Mars family – to take part in recycling project that aims to collect plastic packaging to be turned into pet-related items.

4 mins

Samantha Webster, director of clinical operations for the Joii Pet Care app, said she fears the benefits of such platforms – to both professionals and clients – are not being fully highlighted.

11 mins

The VSC has launched the project, which it hopes will address what it sees as the lack of available information about the cost of placements for businesses that welcome students.

5 mins

Bosses say their move into premises shared with a major garden centre chain will help them to care for more pets going forward.

3 mins