Well-being for your team

Well-being for your team

Well-being for your team

Content covering communication with colleagues and clients, mental health, morale, and diversity and inclusion.

Compassionate leaders

Laura Woodward discusses the maths behind how investing in veterinary staff well-being can increase profits and improve patient outcomes.

31 mins
Unpopular opinion: negative narratives in mental health

Alan Johnson gives his take on the impact of shifting attitudes towards conversations on well-being.

18 mins
Endometriosis – raising awareness

Jade Brindley – using her own personal experiences – explains the debilitating effects of this condition, and how vet teams can support suffering colleagues.

40 mins
Starting out – offering support to newly registered vet nurses

RCVS VN Futures project lead Jill Macdonald RVN, discusses the new RCVS Academy course, designed to provide newly registered VNs with consistent, meaningful and personalised support during the transition from student to RVN.

22 mins
The key to joy and excellence at work

Jesse McCall, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, and RCVS Knowledge, advancing the quality of veterinary care, set out why and how to build up camaraderie in your veterinary practice

26 mins
‘Be kind’ – a most difficult request?

Olivia Ogińska explains the importance of emotional intelligence and becoming “human savvy” for workplace health and well-being.

38 mins
Keeping it calm in the vet profession – our practice’s culture

When independent practice Pet People opened its doors six months ago, it wanted to do something different. Veterinary director Francesca Verney explains how and why.

11 mins

In this podcast, sponsored by Vets4Pets, the practice group’s people director and head of workplace engagement discuss mental health and the support available to veterinary practice teams.

5 mins
Mental health: reducing loneliness

Claire Brereton – a senior associate at employment law firm Brahams Dutt Badrick French LLP – discusses and reviews findings from various studies into the 2022 theme of Mental Health Awareness Week, which was loneliness. She also discusses initiatives employers can put in place to help reduce any loneliness that may be experienced in a workplace…

15 mins
Menopause at work – how bosses can best support their employees

Joanna Chatterton, a partner at Fox Williams LLP, says attitudes around menopause are changing in the workplace – and explains how employers can be more openly supportive of those experiencing it.

19 mins

This podcast, brought to you by Vets4Pets, hears Vet Times’ Paul Imrie in conversation with Gudrun Ravetz and Dan Makin

5 mins
Well-being at work: for a happy team and a healthier practice

The global pandemic has significantly strained our mental health and well-being, affecting people’s work effectiveness, relationships with colleagues, and connections to their world. For business owners, prioritising your employees’ psychological and physical well-being produces improved retention, productivity, and a healthier workplace…

17 mins
How the little things can have a big impact on well-being and care

Workplace frustrations, however small, can sometimes feel insurmountable and prevent us from working at our best. Addressing them together can lift your team’s spirits and help you deliver quality care, say Jesse McCall (Institute for Healthcare Improvement) and RCVS Knowledge…

32 mins
Helping the flexible worker feel integrated in veterinary practice

After the COVID-19 pandemic facilitated a change in how many of us work, Silvia Janska and Liz Barton say it’s time the stigma around flexible working in the veterinary sector, especially for mums, went away.

33 mins
Action learning sets – reaping the benefit of peer perspectives

Steve Bailey – a partner of Space Coaching Services and a trained facilitator of action learning sets – explains how this concept creates a source of support for veterinary teams to tackle workplace problems.

32 mins
What matters to you? And why that matters when caring for patients…

Taking time to ask can be the first step to improving workplace well-being – and your clients’ and patients’ experiences – according to Jesse McCall of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, and RCVS Knowledge in this, the first of an occasional series.

25 mins
Vet sector versus mental health

Lisa Winkle, an RVN at Vet-AI, details her battle with looking after her mental health and how the profession can begin to fight back.

22 mins
Restoring the joy post-COVID: the science behind thriving teams

Do you love your job, every day? What about your team? Jesse McCall (Institute for Healthcare Improvement) and RCVS Knowledge set out a practical, evidence-based framework for overcoming burnout that puts teams in the best position to deliver top-quality care…

31 mins
Team talk: developing strong teams in every area of practice

If you are one of nature’s wonders – good at everything – then good for you; you truly are a rarity. Mere mortals like the rest of us, or those who want to grow and develop their practice to be more than a “one-man band”, will need a strong team to ensure they can deliver the performance and standard of care patients and clients deserve…

27 mins
COVID-19 bereavement: providing meaningful support to your team

In this article, Caroline Allen discusses early research and the challenges of dealing with bereavement during a pandemic.

22 mins