May 2022

Making a comeback is often a venture fraught with risk; for every Elvis Presley or Tyson Fury there's a Vanilla Ice or Björn Borg. But sometimes the risk pays off, as VBJ discovered when we caught up with Werrington Vets owners Marwan Tarazi and Nikos Pallas following a triumphant return to their old patch...

38 mins

April 2022

You have to be pretty confident your new practice is going to be something a bit special if you decide to call it Stellar Vets. In this case, however, with a digital-focused, client-friendly approach, this new venture more than lives up to its name, as VBJ discovered…

39 mins

September 2021

Anderson Moores was established in August 2006, and since then its story has been one of spectacular growth and development. And despite the impact of coronavirus and two recent changes of ownership, its rapid rise has continued unabated, as VBJ discovered when we caught up with director David Walker…

48 mins

August 2021

Woodcroft Veterinary Group has been expanding steadily in the Stockport and Cheadle area since the business was first established 45 years ago. In 2019 the six-branch practice opened the doors to a new 24-hour hospital, and it’s a facility that’s certainly proved its worth during the past 18 months…

July 2021

After working as a firefighter for some of the UK’s largest corporate vet groups, Iris Kestemont joined a growing band of pandemic pioneers and opened her own practice earlier this year. The Peacocks Veterinary Clinic in Corsham has not been in business long, but Iris is already enjoying the chance to practise what she has long preached…

38 mins

June 2021

After banging her head against the glass ceiling for years, Shelley Cook decided to take matters into her own hands and opened her own practice. She describes the decision as “like jumping off a cliff without a parachute”, but it seems Shelley and her team at Little Rock Equine Vets have made the perfect landing…

32 mins

May 2021

Few could argue that most business sectors need to do more to support working mothers. For the veterinary profession, finding models that actually work for vet mums is a matter of urgency and not just in the UK – as VBJ discovered when we spoke to practice owner Jocelyn Birch Baker in Queensland, Australia…

29 mins

April 2021

Last November, Chris Devlin joined the growing band of vets to decide that the middle of a pandemic is as good a time as any to open their own practice. And like many others, Chris and wife Sam are discovering that, despite coronavirus and the many other challenges of setting up the business, the COVID cloud may yet have a silver lining…

29 mins

March 2021

Anyone intent on opening their own veterinary practice usually does so with at least a 5-year, or even a 10-year, plan. Some people go into the enterprise with a longer view, however, as VBJ discovered when we spoke to Aidan Borrill prior to the launch of his practice, Ferndown Family Vets in Dorset…

32 mins

February 2021

Spending a small fortune developing a business is probably not at the top of the agenda for most people in their seventies. But Duncan MacIntyre of Bute and Cowal Vets is not most people, as VBJ discovered when he spoke to us last month about his ambitious plans for expansion…

33 mins

January 2021

One of the many lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic is that sustainability and the need to live more lightly on our planet have now become urgent objectives for everybody and every business. For experienced small animal vet Rob Douwes, these concepts were the driving force when he opened Green Vets in York 18 months ago…

24 mins

December 2020

Coronavirus continues to dominate the agenda, but for some the Brexit deadline is now starting to loom just as menacingly. For practices like Parklands Veterinary Group in Dungannon, Northern Ireland, what happens on 1 January is of huge significance, as VBJ discovered when we spoke to clinical director Eamon Donnelly…

24 mins

November 2020

One of the most persistent myths attached to owning a practice is that it’s impossible to maintain a sensible work-life balance when you’re running the show. But the reality can be very different, as VBJ discovered when we paid a visited to Henlow Veterinary Centre, an independent first opinion practice in Bedfordshire…

5 mins

October 2020

Eastcott Referrals was born when Peter Southerden began offering dental referrals from a small practice based in an old Victorian house in Swindon almost 20 years ago. The practice long ago outgrew its humble origins and while dentistry is still a key focus, Eastcott now has strong roots in many different areas...

36 mins

September 2020

In the first months of lockdown, BVA guidance meant most practices were only able to deal with emergency cases, and work all but dried up for some. But for the teams at Vets Now Manchester, the coronavirus crisis meant that while some things changed, in many ways everything stayed the same...

35 mins

August 2020

Running a fast-growing 24-hour small animal practice is a demanding job, whatever the weather. Throw in a pandemic that shuts down society for months and that task becomes a whole lot more complicated, as VBJ discovered when we spoke to JVP at Vets4Pets Northampton, Jenny Millington...

35 mins

July 2020

For most small animal practices across the UK, the story of coronavirus has been pretty bleak – certainly where practice revenues have been concerned. But at Bury St Edmunds Veterinary Centre the crisis has played out differently, as VBJ discovered when we hooked up with partner Jenny Reason...

30 mins

June 2020

The coronavirus outbreak has brought massive and sudden change to the veterinary profession. But practices are adapting to a new normal and lessons are being learned every day, as the team as Willows Veterinary Centre and Referral Service in the West Midlands is discovering...

26 mins

May 2020

When Lennon Foo opened Amity Vets in Newton Abbott nearly three years ago, he had a bold vision for the way he wanted to deliver veterinary care. VBJ caught back up with Lennon to see how his practice and bold, client-centred vision was bearing up to the coronavirus crisis...

26 mins

April 2020

Vet Chris Copeman built one of the first Passivhaus homes in the UK and now he has opened its first Passivhaus veterinary practice.