Well-being for you

Well-being for you

Well-being for you

Content and resources focusing on personal development, physical and mental health, and work-life balance.

July 2021

Challenging situations are a given in life as a farm vet. David Anderson, member of the VetPartners Wellbeing Group and practising vet at Westpoint Farm Vets in Derbyshire, shares his insights into how vets can stay resilient and on top of their game – no matter the situation…

22 mins

June 2021

After banging her head against the glass ceiling for years, Shelley Cook decided to take matters into her own hands and opened her own practice. She describes the decision as “like jumping off a cliff without a parachute”, but it seems Shelley and her team at Little Rock Equine Vets have made the perfect landing…

32 mins

In this article, Caroline Allen discusses early research and the challenges of dealing with bereavement during a pandemic.

22 mins

COVID has created a challenging environment, but it has also created new opportunities, meaning it has never been more critical that veterinary practices – especially independents – have the tools and resources they need to take advantage. Now, thanks to Covetrus, those tools and resources are being made available to practices across the UK following the launch of its new business consultancy service, InsightOne.

13 mins

The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent national lockdowns sparked a pet-buying boom on an almost unprecedented scale. Microchipping can provide the perfect opportunity for your practice to bond with this potential army of new clients…

17 mins

May 2021

The result of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the forefront the importance of air purity rather than simply air replacement and cooling...

19 mins

In this VBJ Technology Insight feature, Hallmarq discusses improving access to the benefits of advanced imaging.

7 mins

Few could argue that most business sectors need to do more to support working mothers. For the veterinary profession, finding models that actually work for vet mums is a matter of urgency and not just in the UK – as VBJ discovered when we spoke to practice owner Jocelyn Birch Baker in Queensland, Australia…

29 mins

We know the process of getting credit as individuals, but not everyone appreciates that the same applies to the business world, too. If a practice wants the best terms, it needs to keep on the right side of the agencies and maintain a good credit score…

22 mins

Liza Minelli couldn’t have summed it up better when she sang that money makes the world go round in the 1972 film Cabaret. It’s true, despite what we all want to believe. In a commercial context, this means thinking about how a practice funds its setup or expansion, how it acquires equipment and how it funds its day-to-day expenses...

25 mins

April 2021

It is always vital to prepare and track realistic cash flow forecasts – especially in the current climate. Concrete cash protection procedures are also key for your practice to thrive, rather than just survive…

22 mins

When it comes to choosing a nutraceutical, a wealth of information exists about some of the component ingredients, but rarely comparative data in the species being treated. So, how do we make the best decision…?

Last November, Chris Devlin joined the growing band of vets to decide that the middle of a pandemic is as good a time as any to open their own practice. And like many others, Chris and wife Sam are discovering that, despite coronavirus and the many other challenges of setting up the business, the COVID cloud may yet have a silver lining…

29 mins

In the final part of this exclusive series, VBJ editor James Westgate talks to Alan and Vicky Robinson from Vet Dynamics, and veterinary accountant Jeff Lermer about ownership models.

18 mins

March 2021

The coronavirus pandemic has brought massive change to the sector, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the desire among many vets to one day run their own show.

It has long been said that the veterinary profession is recession proof, but the question now is: will it prove to be pandemic proof too?

For many veterinary practices, telemedicine was the lifeline that helped them survive the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The crisis prompted unprecedented take-up of remote technology across the sector and according to one of the leading players, it’s here to stay…

24 mins

If you’re looking for a new opportunity in the post-COVID veterinary world, this 540 square metre building in central England – complete with prior use as a practice – could be for you…

9 mins

Brin McNeill BVMS, MRCVS, of Castle Veterinary Centre in Nottingham, offers some thoughts on EMS for students amid the pandemic with help from her daughter Cara, a third-year student at the University of Glasgow School of Veterinary Medicine.

33 mins

Anyone intent on opening their own veterinary practice usually does so with at least a 5-year, or even a 10-year, plan. Some people go into the enterprise with a longer view, however, as VBJ discovered when we spoke to Aidan Borrill prior to the launch of his practice, Ferndown Family Vets in Dorset…

32 mins