VBJ articles

December 2008

• In the current climate, it has never been more important to maximise any opportunity to … more

13 mins

A BBC documentary in August on pedigree dogs stoked up controversy. MARIE CARTER looks at … more

10 mins

• It can develop and motivate your staff, but which CPD route should you choose? While … more

33 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, GARY SULLIVAN looks at the … more

13 mins

• Everyone loves a shiny new toy, but think carefully before shelling out big bucks just … more

24 mins

• Practice management systems have brought key benefits to veterinary businesses, but transferral of data between … more

18 mins

• After more than 40 years in practice, most vets would be looking to life in … more

28 mins

• If the veterinary sector is to continue to flourish, it’ s vital that business savvy, … more

21 mins

Plans are already well underway for the next VPMA Congress, and an exciting programme has … more

13 mins

• Animal behaviour is a topic of increasing focus for pet owners, but many practices have … more

22 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING offers some … more

9 mins

• Has it been a while since you reviewed the security of your surgery? Ensuring staff, … more

25 mins

• In the third and final part of a series about his experiences starting up a … more

12 mins

October 2008

According to research, veterinary practices have less than four per cent of the UK’s lucrative … more

23 mins

Technology has come a long way since the first simple microchips were introduced. Here, the … more

20 mins

…and in other workplaces. While in the early stages, widespread reform to equality legislation is … more

16 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING looks at … more

10 mins

Done correctly, herd health planning is mutually beneficial for farms and veterinary practices, as well … more

21 mins

“There is a clear financial advantage on both sides. Clients get a discount on health … more

8 mins

Talk of recession and credit crunch continues to dominate the headlines, but there is, according … more

19 mins