VBJ articles

August 2009

With the breeding of pedigree dogs in the news, SPVS has launched its Animal Welfare … more

11 mins

In a busy few months, staff at St Clair Veterinary Group have, among other things, … more

29 mins

Earlier this year, a VBJ article outlined the opportunities an insured client base can offer … more

19 mins

In his latest column, ROB TILLYARD explains setting up an internet and computer ‘Acceptable Use … more

8 mins

June 2009

If your practice has a website, it is vital it is as visible as possible … more

20 mins

With SPVS holding its best-attended congress to date in May, and with its campaigning role … more

9 mins

The recession may be making it tough out there, but you can still be proactive. … more

16 mins

Practices across the UK are invariably looking to ‘grow revenue’. IN THE CURRENT climate, businesses … more

11 mins

In his latest Databytes column, ROB TILLYARD explains why backing up the data on your … more

12 mins

If you’re considering buying a vehicle for your vets to use, you may want to … more

11 mins

Identifying that many of the management CPD events in the UK were aimed predominantly at … more

8 mins

When the recession collided with a young vet’s practice ownership dream, a combination of optimism, … more

24 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING provides an … more

9 mins

We’re used to recycling at home, but are we as diligent in our practices? The … more

18 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, GARY SULLIVAN looks at fire … more

16 mins

As your practice ages and your staff develop their skills, you may want to add … more

24 mins

April 2009

In a world where competitive advantage is key, you need to give your business all … more

28 mins

ON APRIL 6, the new Employment Act brings in changes for employers regarding how they … more

9 mins

• Many veterinary businesses have practice management systems, but not all will be using them to … more

34 mins

The theme of SPVS Congress will focus on the current economic crisis, and, in particular, … more

9 mins