October 2009

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, Gillian Dowling says redundancy … more

9 mins

Most practices have at least some space devoted to retail. If yours is one of … more

22 mins

If you’re an owner thinking of hiring one for the first time, if you’re about … more

51 mins

Recessions don’t have to be all doom and gloom – they can offer you the chance to … more

16 mins

The first two vets have now successfully gained the Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP). … more

10 mins

Great Western Referrals may have only been going for slightly more than five years, but … more

25 mins

In the first of a new series of articles on stimulating business growth in difficult … more

17 mins

If your practice is succeeding, there might be a tendancy to sit back and let … more

7 mins

INVESTORS ARE OFTEN faced with the dilemma of not knowing when is best to invest … more

6 mins

It’s all very well having a shiny website, but if no one can find it, … more

16 mins

EMPLOYERS ARE LEGALLY responsible for undertaking risk assessments of the workplace and related activities therein. … more

6 mins

August 2009

In an economic downturn, one of the first casualties can be the marketing budget. Here, … more

23 mins

… and how do you get the best out of them once you’ve found them? … more

26 mins

AS THE AUTHOR points out, there are many ways to recruit staff members for your … more

3 mins

In this second article on the theme of finding the right people for your team, … more

11 mins

THE “PRACTICE” BUSINESS model has at least one thing in common with its corporate counterpart – an … more

6 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING offers five … more

9 mins

While not all practices have websites, those that do are not necessarily using all the … more

19 mins

The swine ’flu pandemic may have put the need for proper hygiene back in the … more

16 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, GARY SULLIVAN answers some of … more

14 mins