VBJ articles

October 2010

The impact of abandoned dogs saps team morale in a practice, especially the unspoken issue … more

9 mins

Solid foundations and an abundance of community spirit have been the making of Wendover Heights … more

32 mins

Most people now use the internet in many aspects of their daily lives, whether to … more

8 mins

Understanding your data is the cornerstone of success. Identify key performance indicators and you can … more

26 mins

Changes to legislation for overseas workers came into force in April, but have you acknowledged … more

18 mins

In his latest column, ROB TILLYARD looks at the issue of rotas and how you … more

8 mins

August 2010

Regular contact with your pet-owning public makes for happy talk all round. It’s not pushy, … more

20 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING looks at … more

9 mins

Why send pet owners straight to a specialist when you can get the answers their … more

29 mins

SPVS is an organisation for all, regardless of age or experience. It includes students and … more

10 mins

Transforming a rural warehouse into an upmarket referral hospital has been the making of North … more

33 mins

The advent of social networks like Facebook or LinkedIn has allowed veterinary business people to … more

9 mins

In small and medium-sized enterprises, cash is king. Assuming you didn’t go into business for … more

26 mins

In this column on health and safety issues, NIGEL LEA examines the control of hazardous … more

8 mins

Don’t assume planning for your absence is tempting fate. A will is a crucial document … more

20 mins

After all the warnings beforehand, George Osborne’s first Budget speech wasn’t as bad as it … more

22 mins

June 2010

The messages your practice staff convey, and the way they convey them, are key to … more

25 mins

Do you really know what’s going on in the darkest recesses of your surgery? Engage … more

15 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, NIGEL LEA looks at the … more

10 mins

• You may have not given much thought to the importance of producing practice newsletters, but … more

17 mins