VBJ articles

December 2011

Medivet’s centre at Hendon serves eight outlying clinics and a host of other local practices. … more

33 mins

Generally speaking, retaining loyal clients is much more rewarding than winning new business. Do we … more

11 mins

Best foot forward at VPMA’s January congress. This year promises to build on last with … more

7 mins

October 2011

Your waiting room decor is vital in portraying the ethos of your practice. Too minimal … more

26 mins

In the latest column for VBJon personnel issues in practice, CAROL SMITH looks at British … more

8 mins

Your staff are the people who meet clients, care for patients and make the difference … more

8 mins

Creating enough income to fund your life after work has become more challenging following the … more

25 mins

Understanding staff motivation and improving lines of communication are just two of the benefits that … more

10 mins

YOU MAY HAVE seen advertisements promoting cloud storage (“To the cloud…”) or even used distributed … more

9 mins

THIS EDITION of insight – The Veterinary Business Journal’s technology supplement – focuses on digital radiography equipment, … more

IMAGE QUALITY IS one of the key reasons for investing in digital radiography equipment. Ask … more

10 mins

Cuattro was founded in 2006 by the industry’s leading executives and product designers, and is … more

4 mins

Processing Imaging Equipment Services, affectionately known as “PIE”, was founded by Stuart Thornton, MD, after … more

5 mins

• This Bristolian veterinary team has achieved big gains in the local market with enterprising marketing … more

24 mins

Making the first step to becoming a partner or owning your own practice can be … more

13 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, NIGEL LEA looks at the … more

12 mins

VPMA is looking forward to an informationpacked congress in Kenilworth in January – and there are some … more

8 mins

August 2011

In her latest column on personnel issues, CAROL SMITH explains how to avoid redundancy pitfalls … more

8 mins

In the third of a series of articles on the future ahead in the veterinary … more

20 mins

Cutbacks in spending often fall on perceived non-essential areas of the practice budget, such as … more

24 mins