VBJ articles

March 2014

Practices want their employees to look smart and presentable as their appearance contributes to the reputation of the business among its customers, contacts and the general public. However, what employers want and can enforce may be different things.

9 mins

During the past 20 years Grove Referrals in Fakenham has built a reputation as one … more

25 mins

This year’s SPVS/VPMA Congress proved to be another big success with hundreds of delegates braving … more

5 mins

February 2014

You may have the most highly motivated, talented staff and a practice bristling with the … more

10 mins

Eighty per cent of dogs and cats in the UK over three years of age … more

8 mins

Acquiring data about user activity on your website is clearly a great marketing tool for … more

18 mins

Insuring the nation’s pets is big business and practices with trained staff can play an … more

20 mins

Taking on students and schoolchildren to carry out work placements can be a good way … more

22 mins

Keeping up-to-date with the latest technology in client communications is fundamental to the success of … more

9 mins

January 2014

CPD doesn’t have to be a chore; a task that is undertaken grudgingly. If set … more

19 mins

Active, bonded clients are the backbone of any practice. ROB TILLYARD looks at utilising your … more

10 mins

Tax and succession issues for a business are intertwined and without careful planning can leave … more

20 mins

Running things your way is a powerful vision, but can be a path fraught with … more

31 mins

No business is so much of an island that it can operate independently and, from … more

19 mins

December 2013

• For many, RCVS council can seem remote and inaccessible. However, this couldn’t be further from … more

9 mins

• Ever wanted to build a practice mobile app and wondered how to get in the … more

9 mins

• There is an unprecedented shift in the responsibility of taxation affairs when someone decides to … more

17 mins

• Purchasing equipment is clearly not an inexpensive proposition and there is rarely a good time … more

11 mins

• Do you walk into your surgery, eyes drawn to the Blu-Tack marks on your magnolia … more

16 mins

• A well-constructed and implemented reminder system for veterinary services and sales products can work wonders … more

7 mins