October 2016

In a world where consumers seem to have an awful lot of rights and businesses precious few, where do practices stand when they buy products and services that subsequently fail to live up to the promises made? Adam Bernstein explains some of the do’s and don’ts of buying for business.

15 mins

September 2016

Dr Ernie Ward explains what modern veterinary practices can do to promote active advocacy, create value and boost credibility in the new trust economy.

21 mins

Wendy McGrandles, one of the UK’s leading exponents of complementary therapies and holistic veterinary medicine, explains how to make it work for you and your clients.

22 mins

Four years ago the starting gun was fired on a workplace pension revolution. Known as auto-enrolment, its aim is to ensure we all have enough income to live on when we get old. Adam Bernstein explains.

16 mins

Branding has been described as delivering on a promise made. Here, Alison Lambert asks what your practice can do to ensure it delivers on its promises.

16 mins

"In the end, we can have a palace of smoked glass and stainless steel with all the toys in the world, but unless we engage with tomorrow’s pet owners on their terms, we’ll struggle to make a viable business," writes Chanticleer.

13 mins

Find out why more and more veterinary practices are using Manx Telecom’s Chameleon Direct SIMs to get the best mobile phone coverage when out on call.

8 mins

August 2016

Pet nutrition specialist Cecilia Villaverde outlines the central role veterinary practices can play in fighting this growing epidemic.

16 mins

With heightened competition and rising costs, why are so many veterinary practices poor at maximising efficiency? Adam Bernstein speaks to two leading experts to ask how practices can improve workflow and avoid putting profitability in peril.

20 mins

When it comes to promoting your practice online, Google’s artificial intelligence algorithm RankBrain could be a game changer, according to Bash Halow.

9 mins

Building a profitable practice delivering quality care can sometimes seem like an impossible task. But clients still want the best when it comes to their pets, and most are prepared to pay a premium, says Kay Irvine.

16 mins

July 2016

You may have spent a working lifetime building and expanding your veterinary practice. But what happens when it’s time to call it a day? Peter Gripper explains the importance of a good exit strategy …

17 mins

The most valuable asset your practice has is the staff it employs. Keep them happy and motivated with VBJ’s top 10 tips on geting the most out of your team.

7 mins

A mini series of articles looking at the lack of female leaders in the veterinary profession prompted a wave of feedback from VBJ readers. Here, practice owner, vet and mother, Lorna Clark, explains how she has been able to ‘have it all’.

20 mins

The veterinary sector has become an increasingly challenging environment for pet insurance. Providers, vets and pet owners all seem to be pulling in different directions when what’s really needed is alignment, explains Ashley Gray.

7 mins

Huge changes have taken place in the veterinary profession in the past 15 years. Ross Tiffin revisits the seminal Quo vadis? project to take another look to the future.

17 mins

Practices in the UK have, for many years, relied on a flow of non-UK vets into the country to fill gaps in available manpower. But making the most of this valuable human resource requires a structured approach and an open mind, says Luis Sainz-Pardo.

17 mins

It has long been recognised people are living and working longer. RCVS research in 2014 revealed nearly a third of UK vets were already aged 46 or older. As such, practice owners across the country need to be prepared…

14 mins

June 2016

Dentistry is one of the most overlooked areas of veterinary medicine. Here, Bob Partridge asks why this is the case and explains how practices of all shapes and sizes can improve welfare and boost profits by taking a new approach.

20 mins

It has long been understood the prevention of ectoparasites is important for protecting animal welfare and generating extra practice revenues. But with the outbreak of babesiosis in Essex and the wide range of new products available, there has never been a better time to hammer the preventive message home to clients.

15 mins