September 2015

With so many people using LinkedIn as a business tool, enabling individual employees to make connections … more

16 mins

August 2015

So you’re thinking of hiring a recent graduate, but are concerned about the risks involved. Some of … more

26 mins

Dave Nicol turned his world upside down when he moved to Sydney in 2009 to … more

8 mins

July 2015

Some members of the veterinary profession who will freely admit to only possessing superficial knowledge … more

15 mins

June 2015

All those working in the veterinary profession need to ask ourselves what we are doing as … more

20 mins

May 2015

Misery loves company. This old adage proved painfully evident during a meeting with a veterinary … more

21 mins

October 2013

A raft of employment regulation changes, whether introduced or pending, are explored by Croner’s AMY … more

7 mins

August 2013

One problem with employment law – especially employment law for small businesses – is that it doesn’t … more

9 mins

May 2013

With veterinary practice staff having access to drugs, plus confidential client records and detailed accounts, … more

15 mins

In the latest article for VBJ, Carol Smith looks at the small print and practicalities … more

7 mins

March 2013

In Croner’s latest article for VBJ, Carol Smith looks at what is coming up in … more

7 mins

December 2012

In this HR article for VBJ, Carol Smith outlines the constraints and problems associated with … more

8 mins

October 2012

STUART CHAMBERLAIN is an author and consultant in employment law at Croner. IN 2010, AS … more

10 mins

August 2012

In the latest article for VBJ, Amy Paxton looks at performance management and the benefits … more

9 mins

June 2012

In the latest article for VBJ, Amy Paxton, talks through issues surrounding alcohol and drug … more

8 mins

April 2012

In the latest article for VBJ on personnel issues, AMY PAXTON discusses the topic of … more

8 mins

February 2012

In the latest article for VBJ on personnel issues, ANDY HAGUE, discusses how you can … more

6 mins

December 2011

In her latest column for VBJon personnel issues in practice, CAROL SMITH looks at the … more

7 mins

October 2011

In the latest column for VBJon personnel issues in practice, CAROL SMITH looks at British … more

8 mins

August 2011

In her latest column on personnel issues, CAROL SMITH explains how to avoid redundancy pitfalls … more

8 mins