August 2015

In the past, a successful veterinary practice would expect to generate around 25 per cent … more

7 mins

June 2015

Coined a few years ago, crowdfunding refers to the process of seeking and raising finance from … more

9 mins

May 2015

It’s an uphill battle for those in the insurance sector to convince policyholders of the … more

19 mins

November 2014

• Balanced scorecards have been used in the wider business world for more than 20 … more

15 mins

• Strategic planning. What is this phrase meant to mean, and why is it even … more

8 mins

October 2014

• Insurance is a necessity for anyone in business; the trick is to get the … more

20 mins

September 2014

• In a bid to offset a potential pension crisis, the Government’s auto enrolment will … more

12 mins

August 2014

• Veterinary businesses are increasingly having to become more savvy when it comes to equipment … more

15 mins

• With many of us now living into our 80s, 90s and beyond, one of … more

18 mins

June 2014

• For most there are two realistic routes into practice ownership – enter a joint venture partnership … more

19 mins

May 2014

• Making sure bills are paid on time and in full is vital for any business. … more

17 mins

March 2014

When building a purpose-built veterinary practice, many issues have to be considered, from finding the … more

21 mins

December 2013

• There is an unprecedented shift in the responsibility of taxation affairs when someone decides to … more

17 mins

• Purchasing equipment is clearly not an inexpensive proposition and there is rarely a good time … more

11 mins

October 2013

The cost of running a veterinary practice is certainly not getting any cheaper, and many … more

7 mins

September 2013

For many, buying a veterinary practice is a hard-earned dream, but can be a daunting … more

8 mins

Hazlewoods uses its regular contact with the associations to anticipate developments in veterinary practice, and … more

9 mins

February 2013

“WE cannot go on like this!” – this was the headline in The Times as the old … more

14 mins

December 2012

Businesses, as well as individuals, are prime targets for fraudsters. Unless pre-emptive action is taken, … more

19 mins

February 2012

When people are grieving for the loss of a relative, friend or business partner, it … more

17 mins