Client care

Client care

Client care

Discussion and debate around enhancing client relationships – and, in turn, satisfaction and compliance.

December 2020

In 1909, Harry Gordon Selfridge, the founder of Selfridges department store, invented the phrase “the customer is always right”, which was immediately adopted by other businesses and used as a standard. The intentions were good, but, as Alan Robinson explains, things have changed a great deal during this past century – and particularly in the past 12 months…

22 mins

November 2020

Three practices share their experiences with the veterinary solutions provider.

Leading the organisation through a pandemic has been a big job for president Anna Judson, but it’s a job she has clearly relished as SPVS has adapted and evolved to the fast-changing demands of the situation...

11 mins

Coronavirus has changed the world – and it has also changed what clients expect from their veterinary practice. Change is often a scary thing, but with a planned and pragmatic approach, your practice can survive and even thrive in a post-COVID world...

26 mins

Nutrition is one of the cornerstones of pet health and is not just a one-off decision, as the needs of animals change throughout their lifetimes. So it is absolutely crucial to ensure your practice is able to give the latest up-to-date advice and the most informed recommendations to often uninitiated clients…

32 mins

Part two of a series of features with the VMG discussing a groundbreaking new framework for the future.

37 mins

October 2020

Part one of a series of features with the VMG discussing a groundbreaking new framework for the future.

35 mins

Offering the best possible clinical care is the top priority for any veterinary practice, but being in a position to do that is often no easy task. Behind the scenes of any business are a myriad of vitally important external relationships – from who checks the accounts to who cleans the windows...

21 mins

September 2020

Making the right choices when selling on a veterinary practice is never easy – especially against the backdrop of a pandemic that has had such seismic impacts across the sector. But there are still options for those planning their exit strategy and here Vicky Robinson takes a close look at what those options are...

28 mins

Managing your health care plans in practice can be challenging, but getting the initial setup correct can save immeasurable time in the future, as MWI Animal Health’s Susannah Gilfoyle explains...

13 mins

August 2020

After months of struggle practices are scrambling to make up for lost income, but as SPVS board member and practice member Leigh-Anne Brown explains, the recovery will take time...

11 mins

Advanced diagnostic imaging is fast becoming more than just “the gold standard” – it is now a realistic prospect for many first opinion practices. But what options are out there for those practices hoping to mine the opportunities on offer?

25 mins

July 2020

At this time of year, thoughts turn to the trips and holidays we plan to take. In the short term, coronavirus has put paid to that. But while we may not be able to travel, employees are still accruing holiday, and many are wondering how the rules will play out…

10 mins

Good communication between practice and client is key to establishing, growing and maintaining a successful business. This includes all messaging and marketing, the way a practice looks, the services it offers and how it engages with clients…

23 mins

A potential law change that could make microchipping compulsory in feline pets could provide valuable opportunities for veterinary practices. And with almost a third of the nation’s domestic cats not having a microchip, practices should be ready to make the most of those opportunities...

19 mins

June 2020

The massive impact of coronavirus has left the world in a liminal state; a threshold between the established norms of the past, and an uncertain and unknowable future. Alan Robinson explains how to navigate this threshold by avoiding its many perils and making the most of the opportunities it provides...

22 mins

In this, the third VBJ Lockdown Lowdown, we revisit veterinary business consultant Alison Lambert to discuss all things business – from finance and furlough to waiting time and wellness.

May 2020

Vaccinating rabbits is unlikely to be at the top of your agenda; however, now is a good opportunity to understand how practices need to safely switch their clients on to MSD Animal Health's latest vaccine when they start to return to vaccination.

18 mins

The UK has around one million pet rabbits, and a growing number of practices are capitalising on the lack of care and attention some receive. Research has shown many owners seek out practices that specialise in rabbit care over those who don’t, so it’s worth investing time and thought to make sure they choose you…

29 mins

April 2020

The Lockdown Lowdown is a Zoom interview series in which VBJ editor James Westgate talks to business experts to discover how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting the veterinary profession.