November 2022

In this VBJ Technology Insight feature, Chris Plummer – head of technical at antimicrobial technology specialist Byotrol – discusses the importance of researching the hygiene products used by animal health professionals to ensure they are safe and suitable for use. 

14 mins

October 2022

When and how to sell a practice that may have taken many years to build up is one of the biggest decisions many owners will ever have to take. Selling up can often place owners in a minefield of morals and money, so it is important to get the right advice and consider all the options carefully…

25 mins

September 2022

This Insight feature discusses the latest trends when it comes to buying diagnostic imaging equipment.

15 mins

Complaints, about charges, congested the phone lines and excessive waiting times are all symptoms of a veterinary practice that is not working as well as it could. This can lead to frustrated clients and a stressed veterinary team – the perfect recipe for a failing practice...

18 mins

This Building Services Insight feature discusses building the foundations for successful practice by creating the right impression.

14 mins

August 2022

Recruitment has become a term that strikes fear into the heart of many employers – particularly since it’s now apparently a prefix to the word “crisis”. But practices can do plenty of things to stand out from the crowd and boost their appeal to potential new employees…

April 2022

Premises to a practice are as hands are to a surgeon – they are essential. But building or fitting out premises is not a simple task…

It can be all too easy to measure practice growth on speed, efficiency and effectiveness. But with an overabundance of new work and an industry chronically under-resourced, it is more important than ever to get your priorities right...

March 2022

Nutrition, diet and supplements play a key role in supporting the health of the nation’s companion animals. But, with veterinary teams so busy post-pandemic, Georgia Woods-Lee asks: “is your practice getting the message across?”

February 2022

Renowned for world-leading CPD, extensive networking opportunities and the chance to meet with a wide … more

17 mins

Congresses and conferences – either in-person, online or both – will always be an integral part of the landscape in the veterinary sector. Times have changed of course, but what hasn’t changed is the value of live learning and making the most of the opportunities is as important as ever...

23 mins

January 2022

None of us are in any doubt. At the start of 2022, as a community of pet lovers, owners, pet care experts, veterinarians and suppliers, we all know that pet obesity is a serious problem...

15 mins

September 2021

Steve Bailey, a partner at Space Coaching Services, discusses the value of identifying your “moonshot” – a compelling prospect of where your veterinary clinic is heading and where it plans to be…

24 mins

In a world of increased corporate ownership it can be easy to think the number of career paths open to vets has also become increasingly limited. But if you play your cards right, plenty of options are still open for those who know how to take them…

34 mins

August 2021

Geoff Potts had worked at the Alder practice in Liverpool for more than 22 years when the practice joined Medivet in 2015. Here, in this VBJ Partnerships Insight, he outlines the benefits this decision has brought, not just to him, but to the 24-hour hospital’s patients and his dedicated veterinary team…

16 mins

Headline figures for investing in diagnostic imaging equipment can appear high at first glance – especially when other costs like installation and staff training are considered. The reality, though, is that it remains one of the best investments you can make in your practice…

19 mins

June 2021

COVID has created a challenging environment, but it has also created new opportunities, meaning it has never been more critical that veterinary practices – especially independents – have the tools and resources they need to take advantage. Now, thanks to Covetrus, those tools and resources are being made available to practices across the UK following the launch of its new business consultancy service, InsightOne.

13 mins

May 2021

The result of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the forefront the importance of air purity rather than simply air replacement and cooling...

19 mins

We know the process of getting credit as individuals, but not everyone appreciates that the same applies to the business world, too. If a practice wants the best terms, it needs to keep on the right side of the agencies and maintain a good credit score…

22 mins

April 2021

When it comes to choosing a nutraceutical, a wealth of information exists about some of the component ingredients, but rarely comparative data in the species being treated. So, how do we make the best decision…?